Quasicrystals, californium, and the Disneyland of exoplanets: a round-up from the Nature Research Communities

The Source
By: Guest contributor, Fri Oct 25 2019

Author: Guest contributor

The Nature Research Communities are blogs for authors, editors, and the broader research community to share thoughts and discuss the context around the latest in research. To keep you up to date, we're starting a new series here on The Source where twice a month we'll highlight some of the interesting and diverse articles you can find on the Communities. Read on for our latest round-up.


(Above, photo by Alexander Norquist, Professor of Chemistry, Haverford College)

From the way human bias is skewing chemistry algorithms to a Chief Editor's thoughts on how his journal covers climate change, here's a snapshot of some of the things we've been talking about on the Nature Research Communities blogs:

1. Exoplanet scientists say they've found their Disneyland: a near, bright system that offers something for everyone. Learn how they found it, and what they hope it will tell us about planet formation.

2. Find out how human bias can affect the algorithms that chemists use to predict new reactions in this look behind the paper. (And while you're at it, scroll down to the comments to see how the author made the cool image for the post!)

3. Decades after its discovery, californium's chemistry surprised researchers and led them down a new path of discovery. Author Thomas Albrecht-Schmitt puts his 2014 paper into context in this post for Chemistry Community's After the Paper series.

4. Researchers explain how they made a new family of quasicrystals in this post for the Device & Materials Engineering Community

5. Check out a recap on REECAP's September event from Nature Sustainability editor Aiora Zabala. (REECAP = Research network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy). 

6. A new resource could help scientists better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Scientific Data authors describe it for this post in the Research Data Community.

7. Last month's Global Climate Strike inspired these three posts by the Chief Editor of Nature Ecology & Evolution.

You can read even more articles from our Research Communities and join in the discussion yourself here.


Author: Guest contributor

Guest Contributors include Springer Nature staff and authors, industry experts, society partners, and many others. If you are interested in being a Guest Contributor, please contact us via email: thesource@springernature.com.

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