SDG 8: Journal Collections & Special Issues

We invite you to explore Special Issues and Topical Collections related to SDG 8 from across our extensive range of journals.

SN SDG logo © Springer Nature 2019And why not submit your next paper to a relevant collection and benefit from wide readership?  

If your current research relates to SDG 8 like the work gathered here, you can amplify its impact by publishing it in a dedicated Special Issue or Collection. Springer Nature’s commitment to the SDGs means that policymakers, practioners, and researchers like you will always find a home for the most timely and insightful research that makes a positive difference in addressing these enormous societal challenges.

Blogs & news related to SDG 8

Highlighting new research, key publications and blogs by your colleagues and from your community

Consider submitting to any of these Special Issues and Collections:

Special Issues:

Interculturality and Digitalization: Rejuvenating Research on International Entrepreneurship (International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal)

New Technology-Based Firms in the Knowledge Economy (International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal)

Household Finance, Debt, and Vulnerability (Journal of Family and Economic Issues)

Real and Financial Effects of Unprecedented Shocks (Journal of Industrial and Business Economics)

Sustainable Development through Technological Innovations and Data Analytics (Information Systems Frontier)

Multinationals’ Solutions to Grand Challenges (Journal of International Business Studies)

The Emergence of an Entrepreneurship Industry (Small Business Economics)

Values and Entrepreneurship in the Sustainable Society  (Small Business Economics)

Topical Collections:

Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (multiple journals)

Digital Transformation and Disruption (Journal of the Knowledge Economy)

Call for papers! Multi-journal collection - Entrepreneurship: Shaping the Future

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal

Journal of International Entrepreneurship

Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research

What are some of the benefits of publishing in a collection?

  • Context: Your results and research will appear alongside others working on the same question—helping put your work in the proper context.
  • Expert guidance: Editors-in-Chief and Guest Editors with in-depth knowledge and expertise.
  • Timely review and publication: Whether part of a limited-schedule Special Issue with a target publication date or a rolling Topical Collection with articles curated online, the journal places extra effort on timely review and publication.
  • Improved visibility: Because journals often feature topical collections on their home pages and in social media campaigns, your work will be readily visible.

Your work here: Information for Authors

Contact a publishing editor © Mitarart, iStockphotoGetting started publishing your SDG 8 work at Springer Nature is easy. Springer Nature aspires to lead in publishing SDG research, and especially in open access (OA) SDG research.

You can add impact and power to your SDG-related research when you publish it at Springer Nature, and alongside leading research (like the examples above). Research published OA at Springer Nature gets more exposure. For example, research published in fully OA Springer Nature journals are downloaded over 7,000 times on average (up to 5x more than competitors) and cited 7.39 times on average.

Publishing with Springer Nature gives you:

  • A range of journals, from Nature, Springer, and BMC, both hybrid and OA. The journals with SDG content curated above are a small selection of journals you can publish in. Clicking through on them will give you the information — including journal metrics, submission guidelines and more — that you need to plan your next submission.
  • The world’s leading scholarly book program, including the option to publish your book OA. ᐅSDG 8 OA Books
  • Support in finding funding for OA. Many funders and institutions now cover open access (OA) journal article publishing costs for affiliated researchers, as part of an OA agreement with Springer Nature. Find out more about OA agreements and whether you may be entitled to publish OA journal articles with your fees covered. The OA funding support service can help you find and access other OA publishing funds — for journal articles and books — to which you may be entitled.  ᐅOA Agreements  Funding Support Service  The impact of OA
  • Support in writing and publishing your work — both free, including tutorials and paid research solutions services, including editing, translation, and more.  ᐅAuthor Services Research Solutions
  • An easy way to get started on a book. Even if it is only a germ of an idea, by filling in this form, you will be put in touch with an editor who can help you grow it into a fully formed book.  ᐅSubmit your book idea