When research addresses urgent issues of social and racial justice, the work becomes personal and no longer abstract. As publishers of some of that work, and in service to the wider community, we need to do more than merely echo the obvious fact that Black lives matter.
Many researchers offering responses to these issues have chosen to publish their work here, and they’ve honored us by doing so.
One simple action we can do in return: We have chosen a collection of books, journal articles, and other writing addressing some of the issues that have led to the use of this singularly powerful statement, which you can explore below. Here you will find insights from current research; not least in the history and social science of racism, and police violence. This collection amplifies these Black voices by sharing their research, personal stories, and journeys.
At the same time, we hope to further support the community in both its research and larger social goals. For example, we intend to expand our content on issues around the world on structural racism, authoritarianism, discrimination and anti-Black violence, policing, inequality, health disparities, and access to justice, with the express intention of growing our content in a way that reflects current societal challenges, including those affecting Black lives. Also, we are working to improve diversity and inclusion in our recruitment of editorial advisors and boards and of staff.
For many of us—both those that are members of the community and those that aren’t—these issues are personal as well as professional. And so we dedicate ourselves to goals and actions that will—indeed—reflect the fact that Black lives matter.