Article-level metrics provide an alternative option to the well-known impact factor when measuring the impact of a journal’s research. Each journal article’s SpringerLink page includes Altmetrics data that explores how the article is being cited, used and discussed on the social web.
Article-level metrics allow authors and editors the ability to see a wide range of metrics that cover article coverage across social media and the internet.
We partner with Altmetrics, who track multiple sources to help better monitor and report the attention research receives.
When available, you will find, in addition to an article’s citations, mentions from media blogs, any bookmarking, ratings and discussions via bibliographic tools and sites such as Papers, Mendeley and ResearchGate; and social media sharing from platforms including Twitter and Facebook.
Check the article’s page, and you will see a collection of small circles that note share, downloads, and citations. When you click on the “shares” button you will be taken to a summary Altmetrics page that breaks out the information in more descriptive detail.
On each Altmetrics page you will find a section that breaks down the “attention score in context.” Get a clear picture of where the numbers stack up against other research in the same field.
Learn more about Altmetrics and how you can utilize the data from our Altmetrics series on the Source.