The International Criminal Court's founding treaty, the Rome Statute was implemented on July 17th 1998 and is celebrated on its anniversary each year on this day.
Justice is a key element of SDG16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) which seeks to promote a just world, with the ultimate goal of bringing peace and security to everyone across the planet.
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Armed and considered capable? Law enforcement officers' attitudes about armed teacher policies in the USAfrom Crime Prevention and Community Safety | U.S. Security Policy: The Dual-Use Regulation of Cryptography and its Effects on Surveillancefrom European Journal for Security Research | Fifteen Minutes per Day Keeps the Violence Away: a Crossover Randomised Controlled Trial on the Impact of Foot Patrols on Serious Violence in Large Hot Spot Areasfrom Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing | Alerting Consciences to reduce cybercrime: a quasi-experimental design using warning bannersfrom Experimental Criminology |
Lost in paradise? The perception of security among immigrant communities in Switzerland and its correlatesfrom Crime Prevention and Community Safety | The degrowth movement and crime preventionfrom Crime, Law and Social Change |
Plural Approaches to Theorizing Justice and Legitimacy in Europefrom Res Publica | A Global Study of Police Administrators' Perceptions of the Effectiveness or Organizational Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemicfrom International Criminology | Shifting Interpretation in International Court of Justice’s Decision in the Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America: A Deliberate Step?from Liverpool Law Review | Corruption tolerance as a process of moral, social, and political cognition: evidence from Latin Americafrom Crime, Law and Social Change |
The decision to prevent robbery: the perspectives of Serbian robbersfrom Crime Prevention and Community Safety | When the Islamic State Kills: Ironies of American and ISIS Executionsfrom Critical Criminology | Local government public space CCTV systems in Australiafrom Crime Prevention and Community Safety | How Eritreans plan, fund and manage irregular migration, and the extend of involvement of 'organised crime'from Crime Prevention and Community Safety |
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