Protocols & Methods


As a whole, the Springer Protocols program publishes a combination of methods and protocols that have become industry standard along with novel protocols that are showing advances in the field. Springer Protocols offers researchers established, tested, and trusted protocols that are being used in the leading Immunology research laboratories. The content covers not just traditional Immunological topics such as virology, HIV, Bacterial Peristence,  T-Cell and cancer research, and ELISA methods, but also publishes in new, emerging, and popular areas such as Celiac Disease, Immunoinformatics, and mouse modeling.

The best content in this field

The most impactful book that was published in the history of the program is John Crowthers ELISA Guidebook, which was the best selling Immunology book for years (number of views/downloads 29549). The most recent double volume – Vaccine Design (2016) is incredibly exciting as it covers how to design and implement vaccines for all types of viruses. The editor made sure to cover third-world disease as well, combined, it’s basically an MRW. It focuses not just on basic techniques but also advanced and emerging techniques, it provides full coverage across the entire range of virology with an eye on the future and the elimination of disease globally.

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Nature Protocols

In 2015, the editorial board made a conscious decision to increase the coverage of immunology. Last year this was about 7% of the total output. Particularly the area Neuroimmunology is predicted to expand rapidly. One of the most important protocols on immunology is: “Immuno-engineered organoids for regulating the kinetics of B-cell development and antibody production”. Take a look at the citation and Altmetric scores.

The best content in this field

There are several human and rodent cell culture/tissue engineering protocols that cover the field of respiratory, e.g. for those studying pulmonary vasculature, lung tumors/diseases, lung development/regeneration, transplantation, etc.

Nature Methods

Immunology and Respiratory as research areas are not a major part of Nature Methods yet. However, Antibodies, which are reagents that are based on immunology, are extremely important research tools in all areas of biology and an as such important area for the Nature Methods editorial team. In addition Nature Methods publishes a lot of what is called ‘single-cell omics’ or single-cell sequencing methods. These methods are really hot and this journal is one of the top places for new methods to be published. One of the areas where people are increasingly applying such methods are in immunology. This is a growing area.

The best content in this field